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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor teach you to calculate the linear motor thrust

Tongmao linear motor teach you to calculate the linear motor thrust

time£º2017/12/11  click£º9967

Tongmao linear motor teach you to calculate the linear motor thrust


        Kunshan Tongmao linear motor manufacturers are set linear motor technology research, development, linear motor, voice coil motor, precision linear platform for the manufacture and sale of intelligence as one manufacturer. The company is committed to providing customers with the right linear and oscillating motion solutions that dramatically improve customer machine dynamics and reduce customer acquisition costs. The following by Tongmao linear motor to teach you to calculate the thrust of linear motor:


RMSForce = continuous thrust

Fa = acceleration force
Fc = uniform speed force

Fd = deceleration force

Fw = Stagnation force
Ta = acceleration time

Tc = uniform speed time
Td = deceleration time
Tw = dead time