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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor for you to decrypt what is the linear module

Tongmao linear motor for you to decrypt what is the linear module

time£º2017/11/28  click£º10194

 Tongmao linear motor for you to decrypt what is the linear module

      Tongmao linear motor for you to decrypt What is a linear module? Linear module is a general term, according to a variety of well-known method, such as linear modules, Cartesian coordinates, linear slide, etc., following the linear guide, linear motion module, ball screw linear actuator automatic upgrade unit . Through the combination of various units to achieve load linear, curvilinear movement, light load automation more flexible, more accurate positioning.

       Linear module is developed and used in Germany, the market positioning in the photovoltaic equipment, loading and unloading manipulator, cutting equipment, adhesive coating equipment, patch equipment, this robot can bring convenience to the equipment in this industry are: single Body movement speed, repeat positioning accuracy, light body mass, small equipment space, long life. The scope of the use of linear modules has been expanding, running around the world. In our country run faster, in recent years, the development of linear modules is even faster, especially in Kunshan, Suzhou, do a lot, and the quality is not bad, by the equipment manufacturers of all ages. Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. is one of them.

      Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of linear module technology research, development, linear motor, voice coil motor, precision linear platform intelligence manufacturing and sales. Our linear modules have the advantages of rotating motors can not be compared to the user's approval, we believe that the use of linear motors will be more widely used.