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Current position£ºHome > News What is the difference between ironless and iron linear motor?

What is the difference between ironless and iron linear motor?

time£º2017/11/22  click£º8453

What is the difference between ironless and iron linear motor?

     Linear motor is a direct conversion of electrical energy into linear motion mechanical energy, which is equivalent to the radial motor cut open, and the formation of the linear motor. Without the need for any intermediate conversion mechanism drive.

     Commonly used linear motor type is a non-core linear motor and a core linear motor. The typical composition of the coil is three-phase, Hall element to achieve brushless commutation. It is also possible to use a linear displacement encoder to change direction. Below we introduce the advantages and disadvantages of a non-core linear motor and a core linear motor.

     Flat-plate linear motor has the following advantages: ¢Ù higher power performance, flat-panel motor laminated structure to focus on magnetic flux, with higher power. ¢Ú lower cost advantage, open interface design using only a single row of magnets. ¢Û better thermal performance, surface area and laminated structure makes the thermal performance better.

    Flat-panel linear motor compared to the disadvantages are: ¢Ù a cogging effect, limiting the smoothness of the movement speed fluctuations ¢Ú 5 to 13 times the normal attraction of the resulting thrust.

Non-core linear motor has the following advantages: ¢Ù no cogging effect, so the motion smoothness better, stitching the stator, stroke can be extended indefinitely. ¢Ú not attractive, the installation of the relative, safe and easy to handle. ¢Û no core, higher acceleration and deceleration.

    Coreless linear motor compared to the disadvantages: ¢Ù higher cost, U-groove linear motor using double the amount of magnet, an increase of linear motor costs. ¢Ú Motor power is smaller, with lower RMS power.

The article was originally published by kunshan tongmao electronics co., LTD. (