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Tongmao new Voice coil motorR & D

time£º2017/11/22  click£º7277

Tongmao new Voice coil motor R & D

     Today, more and more investors are beginning to focus on the field of e-commerce,The rapid development of e-commerce,Promote voice coil motor new product development,Kunshan Tongmao linear motor at this point to do particularly well.E-commerce through three stages of development, we are named after a simple code, namely electricity supplier 1.0, electricity supplier 2.0 and electricity supplier 3.0.

     Electricity 1.0 Like shopping malls, goods are limited to "search", the user will experience in the purchase process of sorting. The product as a whole is more and less refined, decision-making costs are relatively high. Electricity 2.0 like stores, such as users into a "Nike outlets", certainly in search of sporting goods. E-commerce buyers like 3.0 stores, each store gathered in different brands, it may have more flexibility.

     At present, Tongmao Linear Motor has developed a low-calorie voice coil motor used in high-precision imaging equipment that can work for a long time and is a measure of the error of the image getting rid of the temperature.

     Kunshan Tongmao Voice coil motoris a professional R & D and manufacturer of high performance and high quality linear and oscillating motion solutions. The main products are voice coil motors and linear motors. Tongmao Electronics can provide both standard products and OEM products, With its industrial experience in R & D and manufacturing, its products are fully endorsed by customers.

More linear motor applications, please visit the official website with the Tau Mao: