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Current position:Home > News 300 voice-coil-powered drones perform tribute to medical ''''Baymax''''

300 voice-coil-powered drones perform tribute to medical ''''Baymax''''

time:2022/9/1  click:4833

     Recently, the outbreak of a new coronavirus in Sanya local epidemic, the outbreak of the epidemic, the medical staff of other provinces and cities in China braved difficulties, against the trend, without hesitation to rescue Sanya. 

      In honor of the medical staff from all parts of China who came to assist in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Sanya, on the evening of August 28, sanya's epidemic prevention and Control Command organized a drone formation show with the theme “Honoring and assisting the medical personnel in Sanya”. That night, 300 drones took to the air, in the night sky, the words “I love big white”, “Fight the epidemic together, protect Lucheng”, “Salute to the retrograde traveler”, “Lake Hunan, Henan, Guangdong, Hubei, Sanya”, “You are amazing in every way”, “Thank you for having you”, and the big white cartoon image wearing protective clothing, etc. . Speaking of uavs, they have been widely used in various industries in recent years, the main application is the UAV light show. UAV generally consists of carrying platform, flight control system, power system, control equipment, aerial stabilizer, etc. , the flight control system mainly includes three parts: sensors, on-board computer and servo-actuated equipment. The realized functions include UAV attitude stabilization and control, UAV mission equipment management and emergency control, and servo action equipment this one, has been widely used swing voice coil motor. 


      For more than 10 years, Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. has been deeply engaged in the field of voice coil motors. The five types of voice coil motors made by Tongmao include cylindrical, rectangular, flat, swinging and shaft type. They are all based on European and n technical standards and processing techniques, by the major enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions, welcome to pay more attention. 

      This article was originally published by Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. ( ) .