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Current position:Home > News The application of voice coil motor face recognition equipment in driving test system

The application of voice coil motor face recognition equipment in driving test system

time:2022/8/15  click:4659

    “Even the best co-pilot is not as good as his hands on the steering wheel”, it is in this sentence“Brainwashing”, small editor and two other colleagues on the spur of the moment to apply for a driver's license. 

        Is really“Do not learn not to know, a study of happiness to learn not”, the wind and the sun is even, every day in the face of the Cruel Library, heartbroken broken, heartless bending, life and death line, the feeling of“Going to the execution ground” is known only to those who have experienced it. Small make-up is also under great pressure, in the make-up of a case just barely passed the second subject. As a writer who has experienced two subject 2 tests, he has something to say to the facial recognition system of the driving test center: with the development of Technology, facial recognition system has been widely used in the driving test, it through face comparison and real-time monitoring and shooting, from the root to eliminate the possibility of test replacement, make the driving test more formal and more fair. In addition, because the face recognition system takes the picture continuously to save, also may avoid“The dispute” the occurrence. When it comes to face recognition system, it collects images or video streams containing human faces with a camera or a camera, and automatically detects and tracks human faces in the images, then, a series of related technologies are used to recognize the detected face. There should be voice coil motor, cylindrical voice coil motor because of small size, high accuracy, high speed and other advantages, one of the typical applications is as a camera or camera auto-focus drive. 


       Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. is one of the few brand-name chain companies in China with the ability to develop and customize voice coil motors, tongmao voice coil motor including cylindrical, rectangular, flat-plate, swing-type, shaft-type five categories. 

        This article was originally published by Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. ( ) .