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Current position£ºHome > News Tongmao linear motor is an independent research and development production enterprises

Tongmao linear motor is an independent research and development production enterprises

time£º2017/11/17  click£º7052

Tongmao linear motor is an independent research and development production enterprises

        Netease Technology News November 15 news, the third China Manufacturing Summit, Dong Mingzhu, chairman and president of Gree, talking about manufacturing in China, said the responsibility of China's manufacturing industry is that we must break the past concept can not do to follow Type, imitation type. Before Dong Mingzhu said that Chinese companies are backward in technology to buy foreign products, but this time she said she did not oppose buying technology abroad or talking about cooperation. However, she has truly become a creator and has to follow an independent research and development path. Tongmao linear motor is the independent research and development production enterprises.

       Independent research and development has always been the purpose of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. is a linear motor technology research, development, linear motor, voice coil motor, precision linear platform for the manufacture and sale of intelligence manufacturers. Tongmao standard voice coil motor peak thrust can reach 5000N, trip to reach 300mm, swing-type voice coil motor peak torque 50N.M, swing angle greater than 120 ¡ã. Kunshan Tongmao linear motor linear motor industry is truly independent research and development of production enterprises.

For more information about voice coil motors, please visit the same website with the Tomo Motors: