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Current position£ºHome > News Talking about the application of the full screen in the smart phone with the linear motor

Talking about the application of the full screen in the smart phone with the linear motor

time£º2022/7/25  click£º4518

     The so-called all-round screen, the letter means that the front of the phone is all screens, the phone's four border positions are used in the frameless design. 

     Since the concept of full screen was put forward, the screen area of mobile phone is larger and larger, and the proportion of screen is increasing. The full-screen is now by the bangs screen, hole screen, lift camera to the screen of the transition, under-screen camera phone will become one of the mainstream mobile phones in the future. According to Tongmao Linear Motor, many smartphone makers have already entered the market. In the second half of this year, ZTE and Xiaomi will both launch new camera phones. ZTE released a camera phone last year, another camera phone, the Axon 30, will also be available in July, while Xiaomi is likely to use the technology in the new MIX range. And whether it's a banged screen, a hole-digging screen or a full screen, the processing and production of mobile phone screens all use advanced equipment supported by linear motors, for example, linear motor-supported laser cutting equipment is widely used in mobile phone screen cutting processing. 

     Kunshan Tong Mao Electronics Co. , Ltd. has been improving the efficiency and productivity of complex manufacturing processes for more than 10 years. Its Tong Mao Linear Motors have practical applications in various industries, the most typical of which is the mobile phone industry, huawei, Samsung and apple are all our strategic partners. 

       This article was originally published by Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. ( ) .