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Current position£ºHome > News Talk to the Long March 4C linear motor. We have a green light

Talk to the Long March 4C linear motor. We have a green light

time£º2022/7/4  click£º4554

       At 2346 hours on June 27, the Long March 4C carrying the Gaofen-12 Star 03 lifted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and then the Gaofen-12 Star 03 entered its intended orbit.

      According to the small series of Tongmao Linear Motors, Gaofen 12-03 is a microwave remote sensing satellite, developed by the Eighth Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co. , Ltd. , mainly used in land survey, urban planning, land rights, road network design, crop yield and disaster prevention and reduction and other fields. The Long March 4C for the mission is a room temperature liquid three-stage launch vehicle developed by the Eighth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology, which has the capability to launch satellites of various types and orbit requirements, capable of launching one or more satellites, with a 700km sun-synchronous orbit carrying capacity of up to 3 tonnes. 

       When it comes to aerospace, this is an area that is closely related to linear motors. Linear motor-driven electromagnetic cannons have been used to launch uavs in practical cases. In addition, Kyushu University in Japan is studying linear-driven rocket launchers, this paper mainly studies the control simulation of the dynamic performance of the rocket. 

      Kunshan Tong Mao Electronics Co. , Ltd. is a professional linear motor manufacturer, its development and production of Tong Mao linear motor is highly recognized by aerospace-related enterprises, shanghai Beidou Navigation System University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, etc. . 

   This article was originally published by Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co. , Ltd. ( ) .