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Current position£ºHome > News The noise of the linear motor is equal to zero

The noise of the linear motor is equal to zero

time£º2017/5/24  click£º9347

     Linear motor movement is quiet, low noise, the noise value close to the "zero", which is due to the linear motor to cancel the transmission screw and other parts of the mechanical friction, and rails can also use rolling or magnetic pad suspension rail (no mechanical contact) , The movement of the noise will be greatly reduced.
When the linear motor produces abnormal noise, the reason may be the following:
     1. Noise caused by bearing failure. When the bearing failure will occur "wipe" sound, then you should check the bearing is broken or not, if not bad and found that the bearings take the inner ring or outer ring, can be set or replace the bearings and end caps.
     2. When the mover's winding group is disconnected, a "buzzing" sound is issued, or there is a low roar. Then the speed becomes slow, the current increases, it should stop the inspection process correction.
     3. Motor phase missing operation, roar particularly large. Can be re-closing power to see if it can start a normal, if you can not start, there may be a fuse fuse. Switch and contactor contact phase is not connected will also occur phase loss operation.
     4, the electromagnetic noise, for the magnetic circuit imbalance or imbalance between the magnetic force and the air gap of the electromagnetic force generated by the noise, and magnetic flux density or air gap eccentricity caused by magnetic noise.
     In addition to the above points, the linear motor foundation is not strong or fixed is not tight, will produce vibration; or moving parts loose, will be issued percussion or rolling sound; or poor installation of linear motor vibration. Therefore, when the linear motor is subject to change, the sound is not only to listen to the sound, but also to observe other phenomena, such as whether the smell of coke, voltage and current size, motor overheating, etc., in order to make more correct judgment.
     Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd., Ten years of dedicated linear motor, voice coil motor, linear motor, voice coil motor R & D and manufacturing, more information about linear motor, please visit, National Hotline: 400-007- 7724