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Current position£ºHome > News Linear motor platform to help complete the sequence of chromosome genes of meadow ravine moth.

Linear motor platform to help complete the sequence of chromosome genes of meadow ravine moth.

time£º2019/7/1  click£º5136
    Linear motor platform to help complete the sequence of chromosome genes of meadow ravine moth. Some people do not know what kind of forest moth is, but some people hate it. The latter mostly lives on the diagonal of the Chinese territory. The two points on the diagonal are the Southwest side of the Pu'er River and the three northeastern provinces.
    According to the knowledge of the small editor of the linear motor platform, the grass greedy moths fly fast, have strong fertility, and have a particularly large amount of food. They feed on 186 species of plants such as corn, rice, and sorghum, and are therefore tickled by the farmer Bobohen. In order to effectively cope with the harm caused by the grass moth, Huada and the time race are committed to the study of gene sequencing and assembly of the chromosome level of the moth.
The small editor of the linear motor platform learned that on June 19, Huada and Yunnan Agricultural University and many other institutions released the genomes of the grass moth chromosome level, and the samples were taken from two grass moths in Yunnan and Guangdong. The published data includes complete genomic data for one male and one male moth, with an overall amount of more than 1.5 Tb. The research group is currently conducting further research on the arboreal, including further research on the molecular mechanism of anti-pesticides, and hopes to further cooperate with more relevant research institutes in the country to fully explore and make use of genomic data. Promote the scientific control of the grass, improve the efficiency of prevention and control, and reduce the possible harm caused by it.
     From the above, it can be seen that gene sequencing has played a pivotal role in the analysis of the chromosome of the ravine moth, and when it comes to gene sequencing, we have to talk about gene sequencers. It is a precision instrument for the automatic computer-controlled measurement of gene fragments that can be automatically filled with glue, automatic sampling, and automatic data collection and analysis. With the rapid development of the linear motor platform, it is used to introduce advanced gene sequencers.
     The linear motor platform independently developed by Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd. is characterized by simple structure, high performance, and good quality. It has been used for gene sequencing.
     This article originated from the original company of Kunshan Tongmao Electronics Co., Ltd.( Please indicate the source.